A transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) Concept Infection Partnering to Heal

(A) View the video and answer the 4 questions
“Partnering to Heal” video. https://health.gov/hcq/trainings/partnering-to-heal/
This assignment involves the viewing of the videos “Partnering to Heal” and completion of the reflection questions. Students should begin by watching the Introduction segment and then there are other videos to supplement this assignment. You watch various team members and how they respond to the situations. Please watch at least these selected members- the family member Kelly, the physician, Dr. Green, and the nurse, Dena.


Answer the question below. You can select more than one response in the videos and see the different outcomes for each response. You are watching to determine what measures should have been done differently. A transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) Concept Infection Partnering to Heal.
1. Isolation Precaution
What is MRSA and how can it be spread from one patient to another? What precautions must the nurse take to prevent the spread of this organism? Who can get MRSA? What are the sign and symptoms? Could this situation have been prevented? How?
Answer. MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which is an infection caused by a type of staph bacteria and can spread from one patient to another through skin-to-skin contact. This infection is resistant to many antibiotics. The nurse must maintain good hand hygiene, wear gloves, and clean surfaces. Anyone can get MRSA, but it is most prevalent in nursing homes, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities. Most signs and symptoms include a pain and inflammation in an infection site, rash, cellulitis, warm to the touch, fever, fatigue, and usually manifests where there are cuts or wound in the skin. Yes, this situation could have been prevented in so many ways. The Dr and Janice could have educated the new staff on infection control, Kelly could have changed gloves, Dena could have cleaned the counter where Kelly put her soiled gloves and told Kelly the proper use of her soiled gloves, Manuel could have objected the Dr’s orders and recorded them but spoke up and let someone know about the Pt’s deteriorating condition!! A transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) Concept Infection Partnering to Heal.

2. Infection Control Team
How might the use of an inter-professional team work toward improved infection control in the hospital setting? How is communication important- would you speak up?
Answer. They can have better communication, be trained every so often on infection control, assess the effectiveness of policies and procedures, recommend changes based on observation and clinical judgement, clean up behind them using the proper techniques, teach and monitor infection control, and work together to make sure the patients are safe from harm. Communication is absolutely important because all of that could have been prevented if someone would have just spoken up on the issue! Communication helps protect healthcare workers, patients, and decrease medical errors. I would have definitely spoken up because I could have potentially saved a patient’s life, which is my job! A transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) Concept Infection Partnering to Heal.

3. There is a Team meeting at the beginning of the shift concerning UTI’s, why is this important?
Answer. This is important because it helps all the healthcare workers know and understand how they play their part in infection control. It also allows for accountability, and to let everyone know to speak up if they see anything that is not supposed to happen, and give the team a chance to speak and voice opinions.

4. Patient Question about handwashing
(a) Consider how you will incorporate handwashing into your practice? Can you think of ways to reinforce this practice? What if a patient or a family member is not compliant? Think about the 20 sec rule with COVID -19.
Answer. I would make sure that there is an ample amount of anti-bacterial hand soap outside of every room, and make sure to stress the importance of hand hygiene every chance I get! I would also stress the fact that if we do not comply with proper hand hygiene, the risk of infection that will come with it. If someone in non-compliant I will explain the need for additional infection control education, or if it is a family member, I would tell them how it will cause infection and could possibly lengthen their families stay. A transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) Concept Infection Partnering to Heal.

(b) If the infection is C-Diff, how do you wash your hands differently?
Answer. With C-Diff you will have to wash your hands with soap and water and not the foam.

(c) Family member
Communication with family is vital in nursing. How would you feel if you were the family member and were told that you needed to gown and glove every time you came to see your family member? But you saw that the Dr. or the nurse did not gown up when they entered the room? What should they do? How would you as the nurse reinforce to the family the need to follow precaution policies?
Answer. I would feel like “why do I need to do this if no one else has to”? They should absolutely be following the proper precautions, to protect the patients, family, and themselves. I would reinforce to the family about the importance of following the proper precaution policies, how it could affect everyone, and that I will definitely talk to the staff and make sure they do not do it again!!


(B) Answer the following questions after your look up and review the terms on the CDC website or in Lippincott Advisor
Define CAUTI, and CLABSI. Look these up. Give three examples of how nurses can assist in the prevention of hospital-acquired infections? What is EBP?
Answer. CAUTI-Catheter-associated urinary tract infection while CLABSI-Central line associated blood stream infection
Three (3) examples include: 
(a) Proper hand hygiene. A transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) Concept Infection Partnering to Heal.
(b) Ensure cleanliness of equipment and everything around
(c) Make sure to enforce the proper PPE precautions. EBP-Evidence-based practice

(C) Exemplars- C-Diff
(1) What is C –Diff? Why should we be concerned? Who does this mostly affect? 
Answer. C-Diff is bacteria that causes inflammation of the colon and explosive diarrhea. We should be concerned because there are about half a million illnesses each year, and it is highly contagious! It mostly affects people 65 or older, people on antibiotics, and people who are immunocompromised.

(2) What are these isolation precautions? Standard, Airborne, Contact- review in your Taylor text
- Standard- Includes gloves, Mask, Gown, and eye protection
- Airborne- N95 respirator, gloves, gown, negative pressure room
- Contact- gown and gloves and perform proper hand hygiene for all! A transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) Concept Infection Partnering to Heal.