Questions and answers for the staff nursing test

1. Complication of intravenous infusion includes all, except?
a) Circulatory overload
b) Infiltration
c) Air embolism
d) Dehydration
Answer: Dehydration

2.Which area is also known as blind spot?

Answer. Optic disc

3. Universal immunization programme was started in?

Answer. 1992

4. Red cross society was founded by?

Answer: Henry Dunat

5. In the following which disease is caused by Varicella zoster?

Answer: Chicken pox. Questions and answers for the staff nursing test.


6. Which fluid is used for the dilution of BCG vaccine?

Answer. Normal saline

7. When authority flows directly from superior to subordinate, it is termed as?

Answer.  Line authority

8. Administration of readymade antibody creates?

Answer. Passive acquired immunity

9. Which of the following is the patient clinical record?

Answer. Intake and output chart

10. Which of the following disease is not transmitted by airborne droplets?

Answer. Poliomyelitis. Questions and answers for the staff nursing test.

11. In the following which organ is known as windpipe?

Answer. Trachea

12. Amoebic dysentery is caused by?

Answer. Entamoeba Histolytica

13. Typhoid fever is a?

Answer. Bacterial disease

14. The somatosensory area of cerebral cortex is found in?

Answer. Parietal lobe

15. Vomiting should not be induced in the treatment of?

Answer. Poisoning with corrosives. Questions and answers for the staff nursing test.

16. Presence of pathogenic bacteria in blood is known as?

Answer. Bacteraemia

17. Planned educational activities provided during in a job?

Answer: In-service education

18. Toxicity of the which anti-tubercular drug can cause 8th cranial nerve damage?

Answer. Streptomycin


19. Most common complication of spinal anesthesia?

Answer. Hypotension

20. During delivery, visible movement of the head of the baby due to twisting of the neck sustained during internal rotation is termed as?

Answer. Restitution

21. Measles vaccine is administered by which route?

Answer. Subcutaneous route

22. All stages of rashes are seen simultaneously in which disease?

Answer. Chicken pox

23. Smallpox vaccine was invented by?

Answer. Edward Jenner

24. Which of the following is the route of administration of MMR vaccine?

Answer. Subcutaneous route. Questions and answers for the staff nursing test.

25. Koplik’s spots are seen?

Answer. Measles

26. Which of the following disease is known as the “Barometer of social welfare”?

Answer. Tuberculosis

27. Kwashiorkor and beri-beri are?

Answer. Deficiency diseases

28. “Black water fever” is related to which of the following disease?

Answer. Malaria

29. Chikungunya species belongs to which family?

Answer. Togaviridae

30. Which of the following vaccine is most sensitive to heat?

Answer. Oral polio vaccine

31. Trench fever is also known as?

Answer. Five-day fever

32. Vector host of malaria is?

Answer. Female Anopheles mosquito. Questions and answers for the staff nursing test.


33. The causative organism of plague is?

Answer. Yersinia pestis

34. Most common causes of IMR in India?

Answer. LBW

35. Smallpox vaccine was invented by?

Answer. Edward Jenner. Questions and answers for the staff nursing test.