Nursing Skills

At all levels of nursing practice, the link between the improvement of patient experience and leadership, caring, or resilience is well documented. A blend of the three core nursing skills should significantly meet the increased demand for quality health care (Kim, 2015). These skills help nurses engage with people and affect how they relate and communicate with colleagues, patients, friends, and family. Nursing Skills.

Nursing involves the technical help provided and the empathy and cares that nurses portray by advocating for the patent in every possible way (Wanless 1). One of my favorite experiences in my nursing career happened in nursing school during my pediatric rotation. I was allotted to a baby with a very unusual, contagious disease, and his mother was extremely overwhelmed. As she told me her story, she could not help but cry. With my knowledge of the importance of caring, I did my best to calm her down and even offered to look after the baby so she could get a break and get something to eat or drink. The baby’s mother called to inform me that she would be running late. Alone with the baby, I changed diapers, performed assessments, gave prescriptions, and did bottle feedings. I usually look back on that experience to remind myself that sometimes patients and families need somebody to nurture, support, and listen to them. Nursing Skills.


About two years ago, I received a call that transformed my world. My grandfather, who had been taking care of me ever since my dad passed on, was diagnosed with metastatic bladder. My grandfather did everything to help me get the education and achieve my dream of becoming a nurse. I was very devastated by the strength I had gathered and began to weigh his options. I remembered that a nurse should maintain a consistent effort towards a goal, which this time was to save my grandfather’s life. I called an oncologist who diagnosed my grandfather’s condition. Unfortunately, cancer had progressed to a point where chemo was would be dangerous. I had to make plans for hospice care. Unfortunately, I lost my grandfather a few months later. I felt like I had failed him because I could not save his life even with my nursing education. However, this experience did not change my passion for helping my patients. So far, I have helped countless people and saved many lives, something I will forever be thankful for being able to do. Nursing Skills.


A few months ago, I assumed the inaugural Patient Safety and Chief Quality Officer position in the hospital I am currently working in. I did not feel prepared. My role shifted from being accountable for my work to be responsible for a group of people. Through the assistance of my mentors and role models, I confidently stepped into my new role and realized the importance of prioritization, trust, and delegation. I now work hand in hand with my team to ensure that our hospital provides the highest patient safety and care level. Nursing Skills.


Lastly, nurses need to acknowledge the importance of leadership, resilience and caring. These skills result in positive health outcomes for communities and patients (Wanless 1). Nurses should always show the ability to maintain a consistent effort towards their goals, handle patients with compassion and empathy, and, most importantly, assume leadership roles where they can protect their patients and improve their nursing team and the profession’s reputation general.